Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy B-Day Dad

Happy Birthday Dad! 83 today.
Nothing new or extra ordinary to report from last entry last week.  Had a great lunch Thursday with
Good friends, Mike, Bob, Sherm, and Brent.  It's amazing how our personal characteristicts stay the same throughout our lives!
I actually went and played nine holes of golf with Dallas, #4 son yesterday.  Had a good time, didn't
Get very tired, (we rode a cart) and played pretty well, once I figured out 15 yards more club is needed on every shot.
It is now Monday morning.
Today is a big day.  Friday was C-T scan day. This morning at 8:30 I have a consultation with the Oncologist to determine how well the treatments are working so far. Plus I start the next round of
chemo today.  My plan is to update you all during chemo today.  So I will post another entry in about 5 hours. 

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