Monday, March 10, 2014

C-T Scan

It's afternoon Monday, about half-way through today's Chemo session.  This morning Dr. Johnson
(Oncologist) reviewed the CT scan with Susan and I. The results are somewhat encouraging.  The growth of the tumors have slowed down, and there is dead cancerous tissue in the tumors. So the Chemo-therapy is working on attacking the cancer tumors.  The Chemo-therapy treatments will continue for About 4-6 months more.  
A major concern is the blood lab results showed a very low level of white blood cell counts, so Dr. Johnson advised me to be careful not to be around sick people, especially little children and large groups of people.  He suggested I do whatever I can do to keep my energy level up, and to get more rest.  After this round of chemo, I am scheduled to get 5 shots, ( 1 each day for 5 days) to stimulate my bone marrow to produce more white blood cells.
Overall, Dr. Johnson is positive about things.  He says it's unusual that I don't show more signs of side effects. He usually schedules the follow-up CT scan after the 3rd or 4th cycles of chemo, not the 2nd.
I guess I pressured him to do it sooner then normal.  He feels the next couple rounds of chemo will show a more progressive change on he tumors than the first 2 rounds showed on the scan.
I will follow-up with another entry after this chemo session on Thursday to let you know how things are going. I appreciate everyone's concern and support through this ordeal. 

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