Monday, August 3, 2015

Last Years Cancer Adventure

August 1, 2015

It has been over a year since posting anything about my Cancer Journey.  Now I have new reasons, deeply personal and motivating reasons to share with you my experiences of the last year.  My major reason is to hopefully influence for good those that have Cancer, or those that have loved ones who have Cancer, to potentially shorten the learning curve of owning and  conquering their own personal Cancer Journey.  I have posted on this blog and in conversation that if this Cancer means that it is my time to pass on to the next life, then so be it, I have had a great life with a great family.  I still feel that way, but I want to make sure that I personally have done everything possible to beat and conquer this disease.  I have invested hundreds of hours into researching Cancer treatments, especially alternative therapies that are not associated with the conventional medical system.  I have adopted my own treatment program, and very little of it utilizes conventional Cancer treatment protocols.

Before I go any further I need to say that everything I include in this Blog is from my own personal experiences.  Much of what I say is very controversial, and I don't expect many of you to agree with me on much of the information I share.  I take full responsibility for my opinions.  But if it gets the reader of this to form his own opinions through thought provoking research, then I feel like I have accomplished one of my main objectives.  I have no medical background or training so consider this as you read ahead.  No one else but myself can be blamed for anything that is included here.

Now I need to thank some special people.  I know there is a huge number of friends, neighbors, relatives, work associates, and church members, who think about and pray for me daily.  I can feel the strength and support from you all. Thank You!  Like I said, there are a few very special people I would like to recognize.  First, Susan's sister Diane and her son Richard, for their work in setting up the "Giving Tree", and "Anything for a Friend" donation campaigns, which raised some much needed financial support to accomplish some of the therapies I am doing.  Also,  Eric Brewer my cousin and my "Boss" at work, for his support and help with my employment situation.  I don't know anyone with a heart as big as his. And my advocate Sherm Smoot.  An old high school friend, that I consider to be a very close friend now, developed over the last year.  Sherm is a Cancer research fanatic, and he has helped me develop my treatment program. I am so glad that a year ago I decided to give some credence to some of his "crazy" ideas.

Now to answer the "big" question.  Am I winning or loosing the Cancer battle?  Very good question!
How am I really feeling?  Am I making progress to get rid of my Cancer?  Let me tell you how I am feeling about the answers to these questions.  Sometimes I feel like I am winning the battle, and sometimes I feel like helping Susan write my obituary.  That's probably not specific enough for you!
The biggest issue I deal with on a daily basis is my energy level, and how quickly fatigue takes over.
Back in May I had CT Scan.  It showed my tumors on my liver and pancreas were still there but not growing.  The scan did pick up a new tumor in my back that had encapsulated my spinal column on .lumbar #1.  The radiologist said I needed immediate radiation to stop the tumor from closing around my spinal cord, or paralysis could occur.  So later that day I had my first radiation procedure with 10 more sessions over the next 10 days.  The dose was pretty extreme and it did the job on the tumor, but it also did on me.  Extreme fatigue and no energy has been a problem ever since then.  So I am spending way to much time resting in bed. 

My daily routine is first thing I take oxygen for 1 to 2 hours and take a product that is an anti-toxin and energy catalyst after the first hour of oxygen.  Then I take my vitals, and input them into a computer program that tracks my vitals for me.  I also record any reactions, both positive and negative that I felt from the day before.  All of this information is reviewed by a case manager that is following my progress, whom I tele-conference with on a regular basis.  Twice a week I travel to Midway, Utah to do Blood Ozone Therapy, and also Ozone Sauna, and rectal insufflation with Ozone.  I will explain these therapies shortly.  My diet is somewhat specific. For breakfast I have oatmeal, or whole wheat pancakes, or cottage cheese with flaxseed oil.  The days I don't go to Midway I try to exercise for 1/2 hour or so.  Some days I just don't have enough energy to do it though.  Then I will take a nap and spend most of the rest of the day in bed reading or sleeping.

My weight is hovering around 160 to 165 pounds.  In the past year I have lost 70 pounds!  I have to work hard on not loosing any more weight than this.  My appetite is good, and the only time I really get nausea is when I eat some really rich foods that I am not supposed to eat.  My liver and pancreas are so big in the area they cover that my stomach is getting squeezed down and I feel full all the time.
My vitals are normal, my blood lab numbers are looking really good, and my tumor marker numbers in my blood are reducing which is really good.  The blood numbers and tumor marker numbers were all out of wack during the time period of the radiation on my back a couple months ago.  I feel like I am making progress.  Back at the first of the year I set a "turn the corner" date of July 1st.  When I got the tumor in my back I adjusted that date back 2 months to September 1st.  By then I should be on the road to recovery with the alternative therapies and products that I am using. This does not mean that I will be completely out of the woods.  Currently today, one of my big issues is that my ankles, feet, and lower legs are extremely swollen with water retention.  This has been going on for about a week or two.  I am having difficulty sleeping through the night.  The tumors in my liver and pancreas feel like they are suffocating me. I like to use a scale of 1-10.  If needing hospice care is 10, and being a normal healthy person is 1, I would say that right now I am about a 7.  Before radiation I was around a 5 to 5 1/2.

There are some really good things happening too.  When I got the CT scan in May the radiologist mentioned in her report that my tumors in the liver were in the process of necrosis. This is like a scrape on the knee scabbing over during the process of healing.  This really excited me!  It means that my tumors have started the healing process.  They have gone through Lysis, where they get kind of pussy and gooey, just like a knee scrape does.  Then they go through Necrosis, where they scab over.
The tumors will continue to scab over and break down as the healing process continues, called apoptosis.  The bodily functions of healing will continue until the body absorbs the tumors and they become waste product.  With all the Cancer tumors I have in my liver, and the big one on my pancreas, (a little smaller than a baseball), I have a long road ahead of me before I totally recover from my Cancer.

It is now 1 1/2 weeks later:  I have not felt real well for a week or so, so I haven't done any work on this during that time.  I mentioned above that my ankles and feet were swelling.  Also that I was feeling like I was suffocating, and couldn't sleep at night.  Last week I had an appointment with my Oncologist.  He indicated that I had an excessive amount of peritoneal fluid in my chest cavity and suggested that I have it drained out.  So yesterday I had that procedure done and they extracted 5 1/2 Liters of peritoneal fluid out of my diaphragm.  Needless to say, I feel much better today.  The peritoneal fluid is produced by the blood capillaries in the chest.  Those blood capillaries circulate the supply of blood to the diaphragm area, and is then processed through the Liver.  If the Liver is not functioning effectively enough, the capillaries will hold the blood and trigger the production of peritoneal fluid to take care of any potential inflammation or infection in the diaphragm.  What this means is that my Liver is basically failing.  For about a month I have been taking a liver/gall bladder supplement, but I need to research what else I can do to help my Liver. 

I better take some time now to explain what therapies I am doing.  Last year in October I could tell that the Chemotherapy treatments I had been using since January was leading me to a dead end,...literally.  The chemo had slowed the growth of the tumors from growing but my body was starting to feel like it was being devastated, loosing ground quickly of its vitality and energy.  I was researching for alternatives for many hours every day.  Most of the alternative protocols had similarities, like diet, ozonatated water, nutritional supplements, certain medical equipment procedures like Rife machine, most included learning module programs, etc.  I adopted some of  these therapies for myself but there was one thing that bothered me.  Most of these alternatives depended on the body to heal itself, and I felt like at stage 4 with pervasive tumors in my liver, I needed an antidote product that would help me get rid of my cancer.  During my research I kept coming across this one protocol that looked very intriguing.  But I kept dismissing it because it was so expensive and the company was from a foreign country, a perfect scam I kept thinking.  Then Sherm Smoot called me and asked if I have heard of this company, that he was getting involved in their program and had purchased the product.  Sherm was relentless in his efforts to persuade me that this product is exactly what I needed to help me in my Cancer battle.  After a couple of weeks of thorough investigation and Sherm hot on my heels I felt really good about investing in and utilizing the "Product" and "Program".

The reason product and program are in quotation marks above is that the Company has some marketing guidelines and rules that must be followed.  This Company is very legitimate and is as professional an organization as I have ever been involved in.  As members and associates, we are not allowed to use social media (internet, face book, blogs, etc.) to promote and market their Product and Company names.  So in this blog I will refer to the "Product" and "Program" as what they represent.
The Company prefers the one on one relationship method as the way to share information.  Most of you on this blog know me, and if you desire to know more, don't hesitate to call me.

So about Thanksgiving time last year I joined the Company and have been using the "Product" and "Program since the middle of December.  At this same time my Oncologist and I decided not to do any further Chemotherapy, and in my December appointment he told me "Well I guess there isn't anything further I can do for you."  He did not want to know anything about the alternative stuff I was doing and still doesn't today.  I told him I still wanted to have a monthly visit and checkup from him including blood work where he can interpret the results for me.  He hesitantly agreed to this.

The other alternative therapies I wanted to include in my regimen is Ozone therapy, any way I can get it.  In 1926 Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that the cause of cancer is the lack of oxygen at the cellular level.  He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research and discovery.  In 1944 he received his second Nobel Prize for his discovery of the Hydrogen Transferring Enzyme, the only Dr. of medicine to receive two Nobel Prizes.  When you go to the doctor for a checkup, one of the first things the nurse does is pulls her oxymeter out, puts your finger in and checks your oxygen level.  WHY?
Hopefully your oxygen level is above 90.  This means that you have enough oxygen in your blood to oxidize the cells to remain healthy.  Cancer cells hate oxygen. Cancer cells cannot grow and reproduce in an oxygen rich environment.  Ozone is H203. It has 2 extra oxygen molecules.  When it is introduced to the body it enters the blood stream, tissues, and cells to provide an oxygen rich environment to help the cells oxygenate and oxidize to maximize the health of the good cells and get rid of the cancer cells.  With these wonderful benefits plus a listing of many more that a person enjoys from ozone therapy, why is it not available in our conventional medical system?  Why do I have to go all the way to Midway, Utah to get treatment?  The reason that jumps out to me is that ozone is FREE!  Pharmaceutical Companies can't package it or synthesis it.  There is no money in it.  Why should a medical practitioner promote the benefits of ozone if he can't make any money doing it? Plus the harassment he would get from his colleagues.  It just isn't worth it!  So the well intended
Dr., homeopath, or other medical practitioner who isn't part of the mainstream medical system who only wants what is best for their patients is where you have to go right now.

In contrast, in Europe, the Far East, So. America, and almost everywhere else in the World, Ozone therapy, and many other alternative therapies are widely accepted and practiced.  Many U.S. Cancer patients who want alternative Cancer treatments travel to these countries to get what they need. The regulatory agencies of their medical systems must not be as stringent or powerful as our FDA and AMA regulatory agencies.  I could go on and say more but I think I have said enough on this subject.


  1. Great post! Here's hoping that things keep on the up-and-up!

  2. I loved reading your great post! Even though I feel likeI try to stay pretty informed with you and your treatments, I loved the insight and information I received while reading this post. You are a great inspiration to us all! You have such great strength, courage, determination, and faith! I love you and pray that the Lord will bless and sustain you and your efforts!
