Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Many days later

It's now Wednesday afternoon, February. 5.  Sorry I haven't posted anything for awhile.
Last Thursday I went to work. It was good to feel useful. Friday I worked for a couple hours,
Then went to a movie.  Saturday, Jacob twisted my arm to go fishing with him, Todd Racker,
A fishing buddy of ours, and Holden, my grandson.  It was a blast but very tiring.  We caught
31 lake trout, I'm not bragging cause I only caught 2.
Monday, Tuesday, and today I worked for about 4 hours each day before fading fast.
I have really had no side affects or I'll feeling from the first round of Chemo treatment.
The only problem is running out of steam after 3-4 hours without a nap.
Monday I had my blood checked and all is good. My white blood cell count and platelets 
Are within tolerance levels.
I appreciate all the love and support I feel from so many of you out there.  It definitely
helps in fighting this. Thanks.

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