Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 1 of Chemo

Monday, Jan. 27.
It is now early Tuesday morning. All I can say is the first day of Chemo was no big deal.
I have a tired but and sore lower back from sitting in a recliner for 6 hours, but no response
to me physically, except for a little more than usual abdominal pain.  Hopefully it's the Chemo
battling it out with those cancer cells.
In 2 hours I will be starting round 2. I'm actually looking forward to it. These treatments will
hopefully save or extend my life for future time, and if there are some side effects and downtime
It's worth it.
The biggest thing I have learned through this whole ordeal so far,  is to feel the love and support
From so many who care about me.  Your thoughts and prayers are helping a lot to deal
positively with this. Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe, we posted your fight on facebook, and thought you might like to see the likes and comments. Hoping this link works and if not, maybe one of your kids is on fb and will show you. https://www.facebook.com/pattykenny.hulce?hc_location=timeline
