Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feb. 26 Update from Jose

It's been several weeks since posting anything here. I feel bad cause there are so many that want to know the status of what is happening with me.  I can't think of a good reason but some bad ones are I'm technologically challenged, I a spent way to much time watching the Olymipics the last couple weeks, I. Hate writing stuff about myself, etc.  Through this cancer experience, giving timely updates is just one more thing to add to the list of things I need to repent of. Sorry everyone, I promise to do better
The second round of Chemo was last week, ending on Thursday. It has been a little rougher on me.
I get way tired easily and if I don't get rest I get sick by early evening.  My daily routine has been up by 6 am , feel really good till noon, start to fizzle out by 3 to 4, feel crapy by 6 pm, unless I get about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, then I feel pretty good till 9 or so.
Susan, Heidi, and I spent the week of Feb. 8-15 in Indian Wells, Cal. My parents, Joe & Carol also went at the same time.  We had great weather and a great time of doing just about absolutely nothing but sitting by the pool for the week. Perfect.
My hair has fallen out: so 10 days ago I got the buzz cut. Susan was scared to death when soon after the no hair dew, she woke up at night and wondered how in the heck she ended up in bed with my brother Dave! She really did.
Next week I will go in for a follow-up Ct Scan to determine how well the treatments have been in reducing the Carcnogins in my body.  Hopefully the results will be positive.  Included in the second round of Chemo I did get an injection of Systantin? To reduce the Neuro-Endocrine cancer cells.
This is a monthly injection and was the primary treatment for my cancer until it was diagnosed how fast the cancer was growing.
I have continued to work for 3-5 hours a day, but don't know how much longer I will be able to do it.
The next round of Chemo will start March 10th, and much will be determined on how well I feel after that.
It's very gratifying to feel the support, concern, and love from so many good folks.
I promise to give more regular updates.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Many days later

It's now Wednesday afternoon, February. 5.  Sorry I haven't posted anything for awhile.
Last Thursday I went to work. It was good to feel useful. Friday I worked for a couple hours,
Then went to a movie.  Saturday, Jacob twisted my arm to go fishing with him, Todd Racker,
A fishing buddy of ours, and Holden, my grandson.  It was a blast but very tiring.  We caught
31 lake trout, I'm not bragging cause I only caught 2.
Monday, Tuesday, and today I worked for about 4 hours each day before fading fast.
I have really had no side affects or I'll feeling from the first round of Chemo treatment.
The only problem is running out of steam after 3-4 hours without a nap.
Monday I had my blood checked and all is good. My white blood cell count and platelets 
Are within tolerance levels.
I appreciate all the love and support I feel from so many of you out there.  It definitely
helps in fighting this. Thanks.